
New York To Paris Flight Time: What Factors Affect It?


New York To Paris Flight Time: What Factors Affect It?

If you want to plan a trip between New York and Paris, it would be best to know the approx. time by which you’ll reach your destination. To know it, you can add the time to reach the airport from a taxi and also the time to check in from the airport gate to the boarding zone. To know the exact New York to Paris flight time, also look for whether there are equipment delays, airport wait time, etc.

Thus, if you wish to know when you’ll reach Paris, you’ll want to know the time difference between New York and Paris time zones with the flight arrival and departure times and calculate the average flight timings.

Exact New York To Paris Flight Time

The exact New York to Paris flight time depends on a straight-line air distance from New York, NY, to Paris, France, which is around 3,636 miles or 5851 km. The trip starts in New York and ends in Paris, France. The flight direction from New York, NY, to Paris, France, is Northeast (54 degrees from the North).

The exact New York to Paris flight time is 7 hours and 46 minutes. Here we assume 500 mph as a commercial airliner’s average flight speed, which equals 434 knots, or 805 km/h. It also adds 30 minutes to take off and land. Also, this time can often vary due to the wind speeds.

How To Calculate The Flight Time?

You can calculate the approx. New York to Paris flight time and the average flight duration with the help of a reliable flight time calculator, which finds the average duration between two points. The calculator uses the circle formula to get travel mileage.

There are many flight choices for flying from NYC to Paris. Twenty-one direct flights are there with 12 airlines to get you there. People looking for short New York to Paris flight time at reasonable prices can also check seasonal sales and last-minute deals offered by hotels and airlines. An online flight time calculator offers calculations for many travel routes. Users must enter info like cities, airports, zip codes, countries, etc., to get the correct estimate for New York to Paris flight time.

Its database uses a large circle distance with the average airspeed of the commercial airline to figure out typical New York to Paris flight time. Travel time is vital to find flight distance between airports or to ask how long it would take to fly from one town to another.

How Long Does It Take To Fly From New York To Paris?

Non-stop flights from New York to Paris take around 6 to 17 hours. It depends on the airline you select. The quickest one-stop flight between Paris and New York takes around 9 hours. However, for some airlines, New York to Paris flight time can be up to 36 hours based on the wait duration and stopover destination. These are the average non-stop flight times from any of the two airports in New York to Paris.

Also, it is the average non-stop New York to Paris flight time from the two airports in NYC and Paris. Direct and linking flights with stopovers take more time than non-stop ones. For such cases, New York to Paris flight time relies on the layover destination based on your airline or the one you select while booking tickets. At intermediate airports, the waiting time can range from 41 minutes to 24 hours.

Flight Time From N.Y.C. To Paris Airports

The table below shows one-stop flights and direct flight times from John F Kennedy International Airport, New York, to the nearest Paris airports.

Journey Map

Destination Airports

Trip Duration



Paris, Orly Airport

7 hours 30 minutes



Find the exact New York to Paris flight time from John F Kennedy International Airport, New York, or any other airport or city in the United States and other destinations worldwide, like the flight from New York to Italy with the flight time calculator.

You can click on any airport name and find flight distances from New York to the airports from the list of cities provided in the flight time calculator, like a flight from Atlanta to New York, a flight from New York to Italy, etc.

Why Is Flight Time Longer To Go Than To Return?

You might not know it, but the outbound New York to Paris flight is longer than the returning New York To Paris flight time. Let’s discuss this strange happening with two factors: the Earth’s rotation and winds. In the northern hemisphere, the west winds to the east are strong. Returning from the United States, the plane uses an air corridor to push them with these winds.

After jet stream push, planes travel fast, reducing flight hours between New York and Paris. On average, the flight duration from Paris to NYC takes 45 minutes more than NYC to Paris flight time.

Best Time To Book Flights From New York To Paris

If you’re flexible with travel dates, you can use the month view tool to find the cheapest travel days. You can use the chart or sign up for price alerts if you have a fixed travel date. Passengers can use the search tool or destination search if they’re flexible about the destination and New York To Paris flight time to find flight tickets between different airports of the destination country.

Things To Know Before You Book A Flight From NYC To Paris

You can get vital info on flights between Paris and New York on an online booking portal. Know the cheapest flight prices, direct flights from Paris to New York and vice-versa, and how many direct NYC to Paris flights are per week. Passengers also must know the New York To Paris flight time and duration with the total number of airports in Paris.

With the help of a professional search engine, you can get flight prices from online travel partners and major travel agencies like Amerigo Voyage. Thus, you won’t need to check various websites to know the best prices and New York To Paris flight times. After picking the preferred flights, our agency directly links you to the travel agent or the airline carrier.

Factors Determining The Average Travel Time

On average, twenty flights fly directly from New York to Paris daily. With the booking tool, you get the quickest flight duration, the longest flight duration, and the average flight time. The average New York to Paris flight time is 7 hours and 20 minutes.

The airline distance from New York to Paris is 3,628 miles / 5,839km. In total, there are three airports around New York City (NYC.) New York Liberty International Airport (EWR), New York John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), and New York LaGuardia Airport (LGA.)

One airport in Paris City is Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (CDG.) Know that the linking New York to Paris flight time would always be longer than the direct flight as you’re taking off and landing at only two airports. Taking off and landing is the most time-consuming factor of any flight and is done at a low speed.

Final Words

Whatever flight you’ll use to connect New York to Paris, be prepared as the New York To Paris flight time can change based on factors like wind speed, weather conditions, air congestion, and flight path. Because of these factors, the real flight times can lessen up to 24 minutes, but sometimes it can be longer than the estimated time.

Multi-stoppage/linking flight time from Poole to London is based on the route for London and how long you’ll need to wait for the linking flight. Still, have qualms about booking flight tickets with the suitable New York to Paris flight time? You can book directly through the steadfast booking portal of Amerigo Voyage and get the best deals with all the necessary info. Travel experts at Amerigo Voyage craft the finest travel experiences for your needs and create the finest hassle-free travel experiences. With Amerigo Voyage, you get the freedom to travel worry-free with adept assistance whenever throughout your journey.

Read Also: Why Is The New York To London Flight Time Always An Estimate?


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